Access & Conservation
AURAC is committed to maintaining positive and meaningful relationships with:
Private landowners
Māori: tangata whenua, iwi, and hapū
The general public
Other climbers
Other outdoor pursuits organisations
AURAC is committed to instilling the following values in our outdoor pursuits:
Open communication with all relevant parties
Minimising environmental impact and improving sustainability; 'leave no trace'
Upholding safety
Listening to criticism and concern; then improving our practices
Having an Access & Conservation officer on our committee
We make these commitments, so that:
Access to rock climbing in Aotearoa (New Zealand) is maintained where appropriate
Whenua (land) is conserved, respected, and protected
What can I do?
Remember that access is a privilege and not a right
Respect the rules of the crag:
Research the crag before you visit; check in the guide or online what the rules are
These rules usually include: light no fires, bring no dogs, leave no rubbish or trace, control noise and music, sign in or call/email ahead to say that you are visiting, don't destroy any flora or fauna, don't disturb any animals, clean chalk
If you are a developer, check the rules surrounding bolting
Communicate any incidents that occur with the people that manage the land and the Safety Officer
Don't visit crags that are closed
Consider donating to the people that manage the land and other funds
If you see people (climbers or not) breaking the rules, ask them to stop
Educate yourself and others on kaitiakitanga principles, as well as tangata whenua views on the land you are visiting and climbing/bolting
Attend events such as crag clean ups, panel discussions, and working bees
Communicate with our Access & Conservation officer
Join NZ Climbing Facebook groups and stay informed of access & conservation current issues
If you have any queries, please contact our Access & Conservation Officer.