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If you're having trouble accessing the form, please check you are only logged into a single google account, or open the link in incognito mode.


Please note this is a new system, so reach out with any difficulties/feedback @ [email protected] 

We will endeavour to improve/fix any flaws that may arise


Hire Details​​

Please fill in your details and what you would like to hire. The alpine officer will be in contact with you to arrange gear pick-up and return.

If you have any questions, contact the alpine officer at: [email protected]


You must be a CURRENT AURAC OR AUTC member in order to hire gear AND have completed a Beginner Snow School


You are responsible for the gear you hire, not someone else in your party. Handing gear to other people without checking with the alpine officer will result in a strike against you.


Gear loans must be placed by the Sunday before your trip.

Pickup will be the Thursday before your trip, and drop-off the Tuesday after you get back.

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