We encourage all of our members to run a climbing trip!
You don't have to be a committee member or be experienced to run a trip.
Want to run a trip but don't know where to begin? Here's a quick guide to getting you and your friends climbing.
First things first; where are you going to go? We are lucky to have an abundance of crag choices in New Zealand. Here are a few great crags to get you started;
North Island:
Waipari, Mangorewa Gorge, Kawakawa Bay, Buck Rock, Waipapa, Waitomo, Sheridan, Tukino, Mangatepopo Valley, Ti Point, Waiheke Island, Maungarei Springs
South Island:
Paynes Ford, Pohara, Castle Hill, Wanaka & Queenstown regions
Planning your time is a significant aspect of your trip. Consider how long it will take to get to the car park as well as the walk in/out. Are you familiar with the area? Will there be daylight when you arrive/leave?
Knowing what the conditions are going to look like will affect both your ability to climb and your enjoyment levels. Make sure everyone in the group is aware of what the weather will look like, and if they have packed the appropriate gear for the trip.
Advertising the Trip
Advertise your trip via email to the mailing list: 2023-members@aurac.org.nz, email Tech to have the event put up on the website, or even put it up on the AURAC Facebook page.
Things to include in your email:
Trip itinerary
Estimated costs
Crag rules
Required experience level
A link to a sign-up form​
A car-pooling option
Here is an example sign-up form
Some additional thoughts
Request permission to host a trip before you advertise it.
Share in Facebook climbing groups if you plan to bring a large group to a crag
Consider limiting sign-ups (and turning off Google form responses if you do so)
It is good practice to give the gear officer 5 days notice before gear pickup
Book accommodation/camp sites if necessary or arrange tents
Instructors generally don't pay if they're instructing on the trip
Payment is an indication of a confirmation of a place on the trip; email those who are confirmed to attend the trip
Take lots of photos so we can share them with the club
Write up a trip report for our blog Lay Back
Hiring Gear
Part of your AURAC membership includes free gear hire. We expect you to take care of this gear and return it in good condition. Some gear requires a level of accreditation to hire. See Getting Accredited to gain access to this gear.
If you require any extra gear for your trip, visit Gear Hire and fill in a form
Make sure to fill out the intentions section of the form too
Know who is in charge of instruction and have an instruction/safety plan:
Consider the level of the trip: beginner, intermediate or advanced
Know how the attendees of your trip are categorised within AURACs Accreditation System and their experience
Trip ratios must not exceed 1 instructor/assessor : 3 beginners. Lead climbers and independent climbers are allowed to do certain things without supervision
Bring a first aid kit and if necessary, a PLB
Be aware of any medical conditions your attendees have
People should not attend the trip if sick and will be refunded
Have a weather plan
If there are any incidents, report them to the Safety Officer.
If you have any queries, contact the Trips Officer.