Some of the best aspects of AURAC are our outdoor climbing trips! These include sport climbing and bouldering trips, as well as trad climbing trips for those more experienced. You haven’t really climbed until you’ve been outdoors.
Being inside a gym clinging to grimy holds does not compare to hanging off a rock ledge perched above a lake. Outdoor club climbing trips are usually run over weekends, but occasionally we will run day trips too. For the eager bunch, trips to Te Waipounamu (the South Island) can also be organised.
Some of the more common Te Ika-a-Māui (the North Island) crags we go to include Waipari, Kawakawa Bay, Ti Point, and Stonefields. These crags are usually a 2 to 3 hour drive and we organise carpooling for these trips. Our trips are for members only; you only have to pay for fuel and food if we have a shared dinner.
Most of our trips are beginner friendly, if not it will be specified in the trip information email. We have accredited members to help set up ropes and guide you if you are new to climbing. If you require any climbing gear, AURAC provides this.
All information regarding upcoming trips is hosted on the Club Events page, and sent out via email, including the sign-up form link.
Want to run your own trip?
Check out our guide to running a successful trip here.
Want to get accredited so you can hire more gear?
Check out how to get accredited here.
Want to upskill so you can climb independently?
Check out some of the courses we offer here.
If you are not receiving these emails please contact the Memberships Officer.
If you have any queries, please contact our Trips Officer.